Monday Morning Motivation: Tackle the Week with these hacks

Monday Morning Motivation: 5 Tips To Start Your Week Right!

Let’s be honest. It is really hard to be motivated to do anything on Monday Morning!

We have the whole weekend to enjoy and as Sunday night starts to fade away we realize we are one step closer to the start of our week.

And for some reason Mondays are the hardest day of the week to get through, probably because we have two days to just relax and not focus on anything.


And we get it! We feel the same way Mondays are really rough!

But we have some tips to help make your Monday morning a lot better!

We have five specific Monday blues tips that will definitely make your Monday blues a little better!

Tip 1: Prepare for Monday on Friday

Start by preparing on Friday for your Monday, by planning ahead and organizing everything. Lay out all your clothes for Monday on Friday. By laying out clothes it helps prepare you for your day, and actually gives you extra time to sleep in because you don’t have to worry about choosing your outfit.

Preparing your lunch ahead of time like meal prepping actually helps save time during the week. So starting to meal prep on the weekends will save you more time during the week! Yes, that’s right! It may sound crazy but planning your Monday in advance actually helps make things a lot less stressful!

Tip 2: Make a list of the things you’re excited about

Making a list of things you are excited about will get you motivated for the day! And it reminds you of what you have to look forward to!

  • Start by focusing on what is happening in your day that you are actually looking forward to.

  • Keep a journal by your bedside, and every night write a few things you are looking forward to the next day!

It will help focus your thoughts on positive things, and what you are most looking forward to!

Tip 3: Get enough sleep and wake up early

This may one of the hardest ones, but try to get some sleep on Sunday night!! So that means get to bed a little bit earlier than you normally do!

Most people are typically cranky on Monday mornings because they didn’t get enough sleep on Sunday night, which makes them not so excited to be up bright and early Monday morning!

Here are three ways to fall asleep early:

Spray lavender pillow spray right before bed - Lavender oil is actually extracted from flowers primarily through steam distillation.

Lavender oil induces sleep and actually is an alternative for insomnia.

Try taking a hot bath 30 minutes before bed - It will help relax you and put you in a calm state definitely making it way easier to get to sleep!

Tip 4: Meditate or do yoga on Sunday night

Why not try meditating or adding some yoga to your Sunday night routine!

It is the best way to whine down and prepare for your Monday morning! And with that dedicate about 15 minutes to just relaxing. 15 minutes doesn’t sound like a lot but it’s actually the perfect amount of time!

Turn off your phone, put it on do not disturb, and focus on breathing and relaxing!

To add meditation or yoga the night before, do the following. First, d

esignate 15 minutes before bed to silence your phone, and start to relax your mind.

Remove any distractions you may have from your bedroom. Try to silence technology around you; it will help silence your mind, which will then help, put you at ease to sleep better!

Tip 5: Eat a good, nutritious breakfast

It is so important to start your day with a nutritious breakfast especially on Mondays! The better food you eat the more energy you will feel in the morning.

And we all know the more energy you have the easier it is to get through your day!

Try to stick to eating healthy foods for breakfast! Whatever you eat in the morning is the first food going into your body, and you want to start your nutrition right especially with your first meal!


Why not try making eggs, which are high in protein and will give you a great boost of energy! Or even avocado toast, which sounds super yummy to us!

And don’t forget to stay hydrated!!

Drinking 8 fluid ounces of water in the morning right when you wake up actually boosts your energy like caffeine! And it is a great alternative to coffee.

Final Recap

Mondays are always going to be rough, but these Monday Morning Motivation tips should make those Mondays feel a little bit better!

Let’s briefly go through our five tips!

  1. Prepare for Monday on Friday -

    Meal Prep on the weekend
  2. Make a list of the things you’re excited about - Breakdown what in your day you’re excited about
  3. Get enough sleep and wake up early - Try to get to bed early so that when you wake up in the morning you’re actually not tired
  4. Meditate or do yoga on Sunday night - Dedicate 15 minutes to meditation and add yoga to your workout
  5. Eat a good, nutritious breakfast - Starting the day off with a healthy breakfast will give you an energy boost like no other! Drinking a glass of water right when you wake up boosts your energy like caffeine!

Remember that it’s always rough waking up on Mondays. But once you get through Monday you’re that much closer til Friday!

Follow our tips and tricks to get through the Monday blues!!

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