How to stay fit while traveling: 4 tips for being healthy and fit even if you are on the road (or in the air) all the time.
I get this question all the time and the first half of 2013 has helped me put it to the test. To be 100% transparent, I'm not always the best at this, I love to use traveling as an excuse to let myself go as much as the next person.
However, my healthy habits always kick in sooner than later and I get "back on the program." Usually this happens when my energy takes a nose-dive because I'm indulging in too much sugar or alcohol...maybe you can relate? Here’s 4 tips you can use right now so you can stay fit, even if you are traveling all the time.
1. Plan Ahead
One of THE BIGGEST KEY to staying fit while traveling is preparation. Do your research ahead of time. Check out where you'll be staying, what kind of healthy eating options are around, and any classes or gyms you might be able to take advantage of.
Do your best to stick to your normal routine even though you'll be somewhere different. When it comes to eating, don't be fooled. There IS healthy food everywhere. You may have to dig around for it a bit more than is convenient, but if it's important to you, you'll find it.
2. Be Okay With Being A Little High Maintenance
Even if that means placing "High Maintenance" orders like "I'll have the ham and cheese omelet, hold the cheese, no bread, and can you add spinach? Thanks!" Now, I don't have any scientific research to back it up, but I'd be willing to bet the healthier your journey to get wherever you're going is, the higher the chance that you keep it up when you get there.
3. Bring Snacks
Again, preparation is KEY. Don't get stuck hungry on the plane with nothing but cookies, crackers, and peanuts to choose from. I always grocery shop the day before I travel to pack snacks like beef jerky, fruit, nuts, ad nori wraps to carry on with me on the plane. For some more ideas, check out this video I made all about what to eat at the airport.
4. Exercise In Your Hotel Room
Once you get to your destination, the reality is that you may not fit in your workout every single day depending on the nature of your trip, so remember my mantra:
"Some exercise is always better than no exercise. -@LizDiAlto" --
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Daily gym fees and single classes can also get pricey, so here's a hotel workout you can do in any size room with zero equipment.